For my October chess goals, I am working on the Sicilian Dragon, Classical Dutch, and King's Indian lines. The variation I am using for the King's Indian is the 7...Na6 variation, as opposed to 7...Nc6. The book I am using for Dragon lines is Andrew Martin's Starting Out: The Sicilian Dragon, starting with Chapter 1: Yugoslav Attack: Introduction.
Next, I will be working on my chess endgame. I'm planning on studying Section 1 of The Silman Endgame Manual, and at the end of the month I will take the test at the end of the section.
On the tactics trainer on, I will try to complete at least ten tactics a day. Right now, my tactics rating is about 1600. My goal will be, within a year, to get over 1700.
For my online games, I have high hopes for several tournament games with Team USA. Though I'm worried that I'm not going to reach my goal of 1700 within a year's time.
Finally, I have my blind chess study. I will be studying out of Roldofo Pardi's book on chess visualization. The first problem presented is this: start with the Knight on a1 then without touching the Knight calculate a path to b1 Then from a1 to c1, continuing until all the squares have been visited by the Knight. My goal is to do the whole tour in under three minutes.
At the end of the month, I will be taking a 'guess the move' quiz written by Bruce Pandolfini. Pandolfini writes these articles every month for Chess Life magazine, so I'm expecting to do one of these every month.
Thanks for reading!